Friday, December 2, 2011

Why Bitches Always Wanna Talk When Im Not In Skool I Jus Dnt Get It Those Tha Bitches I Laugh At Lml smh I am now taking applications for

Diamond Krazy'Slim
Diamond Krazy'Slim Why Bitches Always Wanna Talk When Im Not In Skool ??? I Jus Dnt Get It. .Those Tha Bitches I Laugh At Lml smh
Darren Jackson
Darren Jackson I am now taking applications for my traveling opera and gymnastics team. Anyone wanna apply hit me up.
Kelli Stoner
Kelli Stoner Oh man if I have to buy another tire before 2012, I may just have to sell my car and start riding the bus.
Vu Skateboard Shop
Vu Skateboard Shop I got to get a sneak peak of Spencer Brown's new video part today. People are gonna go ape shit at the premiere tomorrow night that's all I'm gonna say, he's on some PJ Ladd type of skating. See everyone tomorrow night!! Chicken bone nowison
Aylin Ortega
Aylin Ortega i hAtE bEiNG MAd :/ ~ diMPlES&fRECklES <3 ~
Jasmine Witthoeft
Jasmine Witthoeft I wish magical jobs fell out of the sky *sigh*
April Rimer
April Rimer haha funny my ex david told me sorry for everything he said n did to me nd i said idc ur worthless i cnt stand lookn at u nomore..hmu
Shawn Green
Shawn Green Whew!!! The end is finally approaching. I just got my graduation tickets and my cap & gown. Two more weeks and I will be a college graduate :)
Dave Jarrett
Dave Jarrett If I have any creative friends, let me know. I need opinions of cool plot locations in a zombie scenario and a short explanation why. For example: a hospital because there would be a whole lot of zombies there; or a zoo, to see how zombies affected the animal population. Any and all relative input would be appreciated.
Maggie Galey
Maggie Galey remember when i said i never wanted to hear marriage of figaro ever again and i always forget it's in that one scene in zombieland? faaaaack
Sarah Elizabeth Raper
Sarah Elizabeth Raper I think I might need to start workin for another car my fuel pump has gone out thank goodness I have a great boyfriend and a great mother
Rachel Stone
Rachel Stone hmm what shall i do tonight ? Might just go and see foo fighters . . Bring that on
Rick H. Smith
Rick H. Smith I have a question .....
Mary Ann Boge Nerney
Mary Ann Boge Nerney I am stumped!!! Tonight Seth makes his First Reconciliation. I know I that I should go to reconciliation too, but what do I confess. I have been a good girl!!
Robin Eldridge Russell
Robin Eldridge Russell Dear Santa,I don't want much for Christmas, I just want the person reading this to be happy. Friends are the fruit cake of life --- some nutty, some soaked in alcohol, some sweet, but mix them together and they're my friends. At Christmas you always hear people talking about what they want & bought. This is what I want: I want people who are sick with no cure to be able to be cured. I want children with no families to be adopted. I want people to never have to worry about food, shelter & heat. I want peace and love for everyone! Now, let's see how many people re-post this....I have a feeling I am gonna see almost no re-posts. PLEASE prove me wrong...
Amanda Davis
Amanda Davis I just heard some terrible news. Colin is leaving the Band of Heathens. I just don't know how I am going to handle such a blow.
Tyler Teel
Tyler Teel I am so fucking bored right now, lol. Listening to a couple old women ranting about other family members is kind of amusing, but it all starts to blur after a while. I guess this is what families do
Ciera Maurer
Ciera Maurer love me love me tell me that u love fool me fool me oh how you do me kiss me kiss me tell me that u miss me love me by jb is my fav i love Justin Bieber
Ashley-Marie Equality Stevens
Ashley-Marie Equality Stevens Wow another group I just found out about....Ashley reallly likey :)
Russian Deathrock
David Sharples
David Sharples Tonight from 6-9 there is a fund raiser at "The Pour House" for the Animal Orphanage. It costs nothing really. Just come in and tell them you are with the Animal Orphanage and they donate part of your bill to the AO. 124 Haddon Ave Westmont. Come hang out with Moose and I
Marianne Landivar
Marianne Landivar The funniest thing happened to me I found my anoying alcoholic neighbor on thanksgiving drunk inside my house while steve was sleeping so I was pretty upset! anyways, I woke up steve and told him to get him out!!! so he did and then, I was on my way out and I see the neighbor passed out outside my house!!! I'm like ok I'm calling the police! so I did, they took him in an ambulance and I see him after 3 days thinking OH great! he's gonna hate me for life! nope he says: Thanks for calling the police the doctor told him if I hadn't called the police he wouldn't had made it that night! WOW see is always better to do the right thing!!! cause Steve was histerical telling you can't call the police on him bla bla bla Oh YES I CAN :) and I saved somebody's life without even wanting to lol he really is an alcoholic he needs help!


Marianne Landivar
Laura Vanessa Ortega
Laura Vanessa Ortega This washateria craps sire isn't for me anymore, I need my laundry room asap :(
Alex Brown
Alex Brown even tho the tv in the room doesnt work anymore im still happy cause i got my spanish professor to laugh at my "tweet like no one is following shirt" today and i stocked up hardcore on mt dew
Jasmine Terbeest
Jasmine Terbeest Someone from Junglescene is harvesting email addresses and sending out a 15-year-old chain letter promising if you forward the letter Bill Gates will give you a shit load of money. If you believe that you should just go to your closest hardware store, buy a sledgehammer and smash your computer into tiny pieces because you should be no where near a computer or the internet. Also, when I find out who you are, I will remove you from any of my contacts/friends lists that you may be on. You will cease to exist to me.
Adam Olajide
Adam Olajide I THANK GOD 4 2DAY..........

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