Saturday, January 7, 2012

Aonde será que se encontra o meu SONO São 00:54 e eu aqui acordada fala serio Pues muy chingon n element l dspapaye pura risa pero al ir d regreso n

Natiele Araujo
Natiele Araujo Aonde será que se encontra o meu SONO? São 00:54 e eu aqui acordada, fala serio.
Joel Israel
Joel Israel Pues muy chingon n element l dspapaye pura risa pero al ir d regreso n buena onda a ksa d my madregfecita xke yo invite la rosca puras mamadas con la inpertinencia d kien c 100te muy chingon!! puras pendjadas y stupideces e incoerencias,spero nunca ponerme asi qando e tomado con uds. qates al igual qando yo bba y m ste alcoholizando y sisi aganmelo saber!! ke almenos yo c ke soy trankiss o m ekivoco?? pro bueno mjor m voy a my ksa. ke dskncen.
Karlotta Bennett
Karlotta Bennett 平恶啊出恶。
Harlene Tabsing
Harlene Tabsing A Morning is a wonderful blessing,Either stormy or Sunny, It stands for hope,Giving us another start of what we call ...*L*I*F*E*... GooD MoRnInG....have A nice dAy.
Sandy Whiting
Sandy Whiting Help out by buying 20.00 in Tupperware and you and Annie get put in a drawing for Free Tupperware!! thanks all that can and if you can't please share my link. God Bless all! 4 hous left can e do it ???
If you know me you know I won't sell anything I don't believe in, well I have found something I love and I think you will too! So, make yourself at home! Use the links on the top to locate the newest Tupperware® products and discover the incredible possibilities of a career with Tupperware. You'll ...
Jo Ann Garrett
Did JESUS Fold the Napkin? Do you know why? This is beautiful. Why Did Jesus Fold the Napkin? This is one I can honestly say I have never seen circulating in the e-mails so; I'll start it, if it touches you and you want to forward it. Why did Jesus fold the linen burial cloth after His resurrection? I never noticed this. The Gospel of John (20:7) tells us that the napkin, which was placed over the face of Jesus, was not just thrown aside like the grave clothes. The Bible takes an entire verse to tell us that the napkin was neatly folded, and was placed at the head of that stony coffin. Early Sunday morning, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. She ran and found Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved. She said, 'They have taken the Lord's body out of the tomb, and I don't know where they have put him!' Peter and the other disciple ran to the tomb to see. The other disciple out ran Peter and got there first. He stopped and looked in and saw the linen cloth lying there, but he didn't go in. Then Simon Peter arrived and went inside. He also noticed the linen wrappings lying there, while the cloth that had covered Jesus' head was folded up and lying to the side. Was that important? Absolutely! Is it really significant? Yes! In order to understand the significance of the folded napkin, you have to understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition of that day. The folded napkin had to do with the Master and Servant, and every Jewish boy knew this tradition. When the servant set the dinner table for the master, he made sure that it was exactly the way the master wanted it. The table was furnished perfectly, and then the servant would wait, just out of sight, until the master had finished eating, and the servant would not dare touch that table, until the master was finished. Now if the master were done eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, and clean his beard, and would wad up that napkin and toss it onto the table. The servant would then know to clear the table. For in those days, the wadded napkin meant, "I'm finished." But if the master got up from the table, and folded his napkin, and laid it beside his plate, the servant would not dare touch the table, because.......... The folded napkin meant, "I'm coming back!"
Beel Mello
Beel Mello Minha mãe tava dizendo que o Jocamar É Pà e um rico que nem vem mais aqui #palavrasdela !
Emjay Geno
Emjay Geno God s gven us 2pairs of lungs,livers,kidney,but y did e giv us onli 1 heart??? dats bcz e gave d ada1 2d oposite sex 4us 2find.
Nicole Weirsky
Nicole Weirsky PUT THIS AS YOUR STATUS AND SEE WHAT YOU GET IN YOUR INBOX!(: A- i like you B-i have a secret to tell you C-i like you but, im shy D-your cute... E-regret leaving you F-i want a relationship G-im falling for you H-hug me next time you see me I-i want to kiss you K-lets talk L-i want to see you more M- facebook marry me N-text me now O-i have a crush on you P-we're bestfriends Q-we're dating R-i love you
Donna Murray Cox
Donna Murray Cox I had the most amazing day with my two beautiful girls...We took Mackenzie to Chuck E Cheese and she had a blast! That is where her Birthday Party is going to be this year...can't wait!!! We left at 11:30 and didn't get back to Tiffany's until almost 6. Mackenzie crashed right before we got there. Shea carried her in and put her in her bed. I got home and they called to see if Peepaw and I would babysit tonight...Well of course THAT IS THE BEST QUESTION EVER! Thank you both for letting us keep our amazing Angel....she is the sweetest little thing. She even talked to Danielle, Aidan and Ethan on Skype. She thought that was so cool.....What a wonderful day this has been......
Alice Akemi
Alice Akemi OMFG MEU MUNDO CAIU AGORA! O dublador de Naruto eh ..... MULHER! =O E de Goku tbm eh!! E a voz do pikachu e dublada!
nunk me imagine quien las hacia!!!
Sharon Excell
Sharon Excell 2.49 wide awake, listening to tunes. Ulcers are killin me. Roll on next week hopefully should be better. Get better soon Mr E xx
Thaiane Pessanha
Thaiane Pessanha Que sexta-feira e essa hem..tirando os problemas muito boom zuando ate agora..tem q zuar um pouquinho ne pq chorar nao adianta mais...SEGUE NORMAL!
TrillFam's FirstLady Batiste
TrillFam's FirstLady Batiste SMILEN,..What a way for a mother to feel mi son Brandon got all E's and da teacher want to try him n K for a lil while cause he so advance.. love u bookey way to go..
Israel Mania
Israel Mania Marcel Bizinoto e Eduardo Moura obrigado por me fazer perder algumas semanas de vida =x #adeusvidasocial
BuTik CanTik
BuTik CanTik Ada sabun wajah baru nih say! KOJIC PREFECT SOAP..made in Thailand, Only @110rb/pc. Membantu mencerahkan kulit wajah n tubuhmu plus memberikan rasa bersih setelah pakai. Minat?? Order sekarang...RECOMENDED..^^
KOJIC PREFECT WHITENING SOAP PRICE : @110rb/pc Dijamin ORIGINAL..hati" banyak yg palsu lho say..^^ Adalah sabun dari Thailand yang dirancang khusus untuk memutihkan kulit secara extra, karena mengandung bahan terlengkap tersempurna yang dibutuhkan kulit sehingga mebuat kulit bersih, putih, keset, halus, kencang, muda dan cantik merona. Manfaat utama: Memutihkan, melembabkan, anti keriput, anti jerawat, anti penuaan. Kandungan : Kojic ajid, Glutathione, Arbutin, Rice extract, Milk extract, Vitamin E, Vitamin B3, jojoba oil, VCO, Alpha lipoic acid. Cara Penggunaan : 1. Pakai 2-3 x sehari, Gosokkan dengan merata pada seluruh tubuh yang sudah dibasahi sebelumnya, pijat perlahan agar khasiatnya meresap ke pori ² kulit. 2. Setelah itu jangan langsung di bilas, tapi kamu gosok - gosok busa yang ada di seluruh tubuh, biarkan 2-3 menit, lalu bilas. Kamu Akan melihat langsung hasilnya putih lebih bersih, sehat, halus & cantik alami tanpa efek samping. Kojic Prefect Whitening Soap Made in Thailand Net : 80g ORDER 0813.9447.9334 PIN 284DCF61
PRODUK Whitening ORIGINAL! BEST SELLER n Recomended ! READY Stock...^.^ Semua produk yg ku jual udah pernah aku pake buat ngebuktiin hasilnya. Jadi,aku cuma jual yg BEST PRODUCT iaa... ORDER by SMS 0813.9447.9334. ^^
Beth Cregger
Beth Cregger I love this remix! Check it out!
Title: Kotono Origin: Tuff E Nuff (Dead Dance) Media: Super Nintendo Year: 1993 Composers: Suguru Ishida & Yasuhiko Takashiba Mozzaratti Project: Ultimate Ku...
Victor Vinny
(ÁRIES) Os arianos beijam com o corpo todo. Se entregam de verdade ao clima ao mesmo tempo que também dominam. Explora cada parte da boca com muito ardor e paixão. Não gosta de beijos superficiais, os conhecidos selinhos, pois, gosta de sentir uma sensação nova a cada beijo e intensas energias nestes momentos.
Jean Carlos de Lima
Jean Carlos de Lima É, axu q essa tikaka de Face tá me cansando... Xega por hj né, Jean?
Jhonardz Lacambra
Jhonardz Lacambra wiw peste hnd aqoh mka pag tetris bagal kc ng net e tsk tsk
Ricardo-Alonso Diaz-de La-Vega Quintanilla
Ricardo-Alonso Diaz-de La-Vega Quintanilla son unos hijo e pu !!! jajaja
Otávio Aparecido Colla Júnior
Otávio Aparecido Colla Júnior Interessante, cá parando para pensar e analisando um pouco a situação: No último texto que "publiquei" aqui, só uma pessoa comentou, e a mesma, juntamente com outra, deram "Like"... Aí você tem algumas alternativas: 1- Seu texto é uma merda 2- Sua escrita, é um lixo, não cativa ninguém 3- Você é extremamente forever alone, tanto que ninguém lê seus posts 4- Ninguém se importa contigo. Tanto que se quer, se preocupam com o que você posta ou deixa de postar 5- Quem é você?... De onde você surgiu, rapaz? 6- Sou estranho demais, ao ponto de as pessoas lerem o texto e achar que eu sou doente 7- Sou um louco compreendido e as pessoas sabem disso e tem dó, e não preferem falar 8- Escrita interessante, ponto bom, mas um certo receio, talvez, senso comum, talvez não, quem sabe... Apenas li, gostei, porém... Ficou por isso mesmo
Marcos Paulo
' Um dia de cada vez, que é pra não perder as boas surpresas da vida.' Clarice Lispector
Henrique Henicka
Henrique Henicka To pensando aqui, eu vou voltar a tocar violão, não é má ideia..
Clara Schaidt
Palavra que define você: Incomum. Seu verbo: Eu sei. Você representa: O rebelde do zodíaco. Uma caracteristica: Ter muitos amigos. O que menos suporta: A rigidez e o convencional. Sua mente: É como um relâmpago. Sua família: É quem lhe dá estabilidade. Sua imaginação se caracteriza por: Ser engenhosa e inovadora. No amor: Você busca um amigo, um companheiro. Seu maior defeito: Não ter limites. Sua maior virtude: Ser extrovertido. Seu sonho secreto: Ser um grande sábio. Arma secreta para seduzir: Flertar com sua inteligência e agudeza mental. Sua sexualidade: Se manifesta com detalhes e praticidade. O que você ostenta: Sua independência. O que faz falta em você: Compromisso sério. Sua filosofia: Não tenho por que ser convencional. As viagens: A busca das coisas belas do mundo. Os amigos significam: Diversão e aventura. Medo oculto: Ficar preso às tradições. O que não deixa você avançar: Afastar-se do mundo.

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